免费的梯子加速器 Satellite Missions Database

Discover more about past, operational and future missions in the Satellite Missions database, which offers an extensive list of articles about spaceborne EO missions and sensors.

Categorised from A to Z and by Space Agency, there are over 1000 in-depth articles of satellite missions from 1959 to 2025.

Also see the complementary database of Airborne Sensors containing detailed information of almost 40 flight campaigns from the last 20 years.

This database is constantly updated with the latest mission details and information. We welcome feedback and any new information on missions which can be submitted via the 免费的梯子加速器.

These articles are extracted from the book of Herbert J. Kramer 'Observation of the Earth and its Environment'

Last Update added on: 16-3-2025

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Minimize Observation of the Earth

The articles on this website are taken from Herbert Kramers book Observation of the Earth and its Envrionment.

The book covers Earth observation on a global scale, there are hundreds of spaceborne missions defined and more than 2000 spaceborne sensors.